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today : 15-02-2025


i have been a software engineer, primarily working on the web for the last five years.
started working with an esp32s3 chip for my latest startup for the last three months now.
these very few months have been nothing less than revealing.
as a web dev guy, when you jump into embedded - it feels like your limbs have been cut off and you're still supposed to type code on a keyboard.
but it has been one of the most fun experiences that i would want every engineer to have.
the rawness of embedded systems make you appreciate all that is take so casually in modern engineering.
you finally start to feel the weight on the giants whose shoulders we perch upon. or as sir issac newton wrote to robert hooke, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”

in web development - we have amazing build tools, hot module reload, component libraries, heck we so many amazing pacakage managers that feel like godsend when you jump into embedded programming.
don't feel like i am writing this to scare off the folks who are entering new here, but i want you to know you will feel both incredibly powerful and stupendously dumb when working on processors like an esp32.

the actual intro

just to be clear, i am, by every means, to total noob in both web development and embedded systems. what i will try here is to give you a brief primer that hopefully eases in your journey.
[Blog WIP beyond this point]